Obama and Pragmatism 2.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I admit I was hoping for more liberal politics (I'm a liberal, after all, though I prefer "progressive," much the same way conservatives prefer that label rather than "reactionary"), but this post from The Root on Obama's pragmatism reflects my own thoughts from a week ago.

Here's a sample from "The Audacity of Pragmatism" by John H. McWhorter:

Politics is about pragmatism and compromise—even for leftists, even for black ones.
Some Obama fans, one suspects, would almost savor that as an opportunity to go martyr, decrying how the evil system thwarted the audacity of hope.

Check out this New York Times article — "In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd" by Janny Scott — from last year for more examples of Obama's necessary practicality, a trait that reflects our generation even more than anyone's left or right political leaning.

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