Da Mystery of Chessboxin’ revealed  

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A game of chess, is like a swordfight. You must think first, before you move.

—Enter the Wu-Tang

I told Lord Jim I owe him a finder's fee for this (and all full credit for the Wu-inspired headline above).
    Knights in the ring as chess boxers slug it out

To me, this merely deepens our unanimous decision.

I might even watch this summer's Olympics if they added chess boxing, but only if Girthy lifts their protest.

And if the sport's origins are accurate, this should give us something to do in the coming crisis in 2020 (or in 2034, according to the graphic novel that introduced the sport, as cited in the Agence France-Presse article).

The Kingpin just castled with his rook and lost a pawn indeed.

UPDATE July 10:

The RZA launched a new site for Wu-Tang and chess fans recently at Wuchess.com. RZA also swung by a team chess tournamanet at the Chelsea Art Museum last weekend.

More on the RZA and chess.

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