
Friday, May 23, 2008

I don't know by what miracle this happened, but Blogger's Techies have released us from Spam-accusation blockage limbo. Thanks, Blogger™! On the one hand, I've been locked out from posting anything new for a week, so I would have had the scoops on Hillary's sexism charges, life being discovered on Mars, Bigfoot and The Soprano's missing Russian being spotted together in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, and I would have beaten WAMC to their scoop about Clinton-supporting Gov. Paterson saying Hillary has gone too far in pressing the Florida and Michigan issues. On the other hand, I've been freed in time for Memorial Day weekend, so I must say, Thank you, Google! Thank you, Blogger! Happy Memorial Day! It's great to be back! PublisherCat has been on our case, and now she is happy we're back in business.

Oh, dear readers (all 2 of you) if you don't see a new post here for a few days, check me out over on the WordPress site at, which I am keeping as a back-up for now. I intend to double-post as much content as practical in case I get locked out again (and to keep my options open).

For the uninitiated, about a week ago I got a form message on my blog's dashboard saying I'd been flagged by Blogger's spam-detection robots as being suspected as a spam blog. To accompany this, I was blocked from posting anything new until a human reviewed this blog. In so many words, the form messages said to click a button to submit a request, and if I was still blocked after four business days, there was another form procedure to submit for a second review request. We finally got freed sometime between 10:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. tonight. There was no other way to contact any sort of customer service — no IM, no chat room (except for other "citizens" like yours truly), certainly no phone number. I don't want to slag Google/Blogger and tempt fate again, so let's just say I'm happy to be back.

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