The Rape of Dutchess County  

Monday, December 31, 2007

As property continues to be eaten in Dutchess County, the sell-off continues. In my post-graduate (lower case) years, political and civic leaders used to gnash their teeth with worry about how to keep from exporting their "most precious commodity" — their children, who, seeing the double rising tide of the increasing costs of housing and the continued job drain in the aftermath of IBM's early ’90s purge, essentially left for college and never looked back.

What did they expect?
ownstate transplants are slow to give up on their old (and superior) papers from the city. And everyone in the newspaper industry still wonders why circulation is down.

Boomer Self-Love Knows No Bounds  

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Watched, for some reason, the Kennedy Center Awards show on the TV after Christmas. I don't know what it is, but Baby Boomers love Baby Boomers soooo much; this was much in evidence. They did what they do best: celebrate themselves.

I really don't mean to denigrate the Botox Generation's artists (well, OK). They honored Scorsese, after all. Can't argue this, even if, in The Departed, he ripped off both himself and Japanese crime flicks. I still loved The Departed, despite the rat final shot and even though Goodfellas was 1,000 times better.

See, I can give credit (grudgingly) where credit is due. Good things the Boomers gave us: Scorsese, Coppola (for I & II), Spielberg (batting about .800), Lucas (pre-1982), The Stones, Dr. Thompson (for the most part), and the '70s Yankees. Probably have to give them credit for The Ramones, too, though I feel like they belong to a later generation. That's about it.

It's Albany in the Game  

Monday, December 17, 2007

To quote McNulty in the preview for the new season of "The Wire" … "What the fuck is wrong with this city?"

Displaced tenants return to find Madison Avenue apartments burglarized

Mailer on writing  

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Norman Mailer died last month. I have very little appreciation for him, maybe a little more after reading Kriegel's column. Assigned to read "Why Are We in Vietnam?" in college, I couldn't get past D.J. and the first chapter.

He also had some weird propensities linking sex to everything, and it sounds like that got weirder as he got older (check out this link to Gawker, which references the London Literary Review). Oh, he also stabbed one of his wives (she lives on).

"Writing is of use to the psyche only if the writer discovers something he did not know in the act of writing. That is why a few men will go through hell in order to keep writing. … Being a writer can save one from insanity or cancer; being a bad writer can drive one smack into the center of the plague. Think of the poor reporter who does not have the leisure of the novelist or the poet to discover what he thinks. The unconscious gives up, buries itself, leaves the writer to his cliché, and saves the truth, or that part of it the reporter is yet privileged to find, for his colleagues and his friends. A good reporter is a man who must still tell you the truth privately; he has harsh bright eyes and can relate ten good stories in a row standing at a bar."
Does it make any sense or is more coils of excrement? I'd like to think part of it is True. But maybe it depends on the depth of your hangover.

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